Thursday, April 2, 2009

God still cares...

Well... I still hate my jobs but I realized something tonight. God is still watching out for me. Every time I think I can't make it through a day I come home and my baby boy makes everything better. Today was the worst with the promise of a walk-through observation by my principal and some big wig curriculum lady and a meeting from 4-6 after school. Luckily the ladies came in during one of my trying but smart classes. They knew when to shut up and when they could talk. They were really mature and it surprised me because it was my class of ninth graders who are normally ridiculously silly and loud. I really like them but they are HARd to teach! Anyway. That went well and when I got home my beautiful baby boy was playing with his shape sorter in his highchair. We had a great night of tickeling sp? and laughter and I realized that I could not have made it through the year without him. At the beginning of the year I was so stressed that my hands were breaking out into tiny bubbles that itched and popped and scabbed. I have never seen such a thing but as soon as I took an I don't care attitude about my job... They went away. Oh, and Landry started sleeping a little more so that helped too. Now I just do what I can do during the day and enjoy the evenings with my precious gift. He's about to be one... My favorite quote from my favorite movie "Meet Joe Black" "40 years in the blink of an eye" "in this case it's "1 year in the blink of an eye... Where did it go?"

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I don't want my mole pinched off!

It's 10 P.M. Do you know where your child is? Mine is NOT asleep! After a long day at work I drove to Flower Mound to pick up an Outdoor Swing I found on Craig's List for 13 bucks. (I love Craig's List) I then went to pick up my 10 year old who has a large stye on his eye. It's even bigger and as we head home he tells me that the kids were making fun of him. We had already decided we weren't taking him to the Dr. because we had the pink eye medicine to treat it but all it takes is for a mother to hear that her kids being made fun of. I whipped the car around and took him to the Dr. who of course prescribed the same exact medicine we already have at home and pissed me off in the process. (WON'T be going back to him) My wonderful husband took the car and filled it up for me after we watched AI. Now it's 10:10 and my 10 month old is still awake. I had to put him in his crib because he keeps trying to surgically remove my mole from my face with his fingernails! Things have been good and a little less stressful. I have just got to make myself get out of the house more. I am much happier when I do... It is just so much work to do it! I don't have many interests but I want to learn how to quilt. I sewed a cover for the highchair last night and I really enjoy doing it. NOT by hand. With a machine but I think that sewing is something I could get into. It just seems there is no time to pursue what interests me between basketball and baseball and babies! I have become better friends with the ladies I work with and that has helped my mental stability. It's nice to have people to vent to but I am also guarded because I want to switch jobs and I know those friendships from work don't last. At least they usually haven't for me. Maybe this one will? Anyway. I've chased enough rabbits for one night! I don't want my mole pinched off! KID... GO TO BED!  :) or cry mamamamamamama It's so cute. Time to pick u up again!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


So, this is my first blog. I've started it because I think maybe I need to? I want to keep track of my thoughts and feelings and emotions. I'm not sure I want everyone reading them... that will remain to be seen but here I am. It's almost 11 on a Sunday night and I should be in bed but I slept in and I'm not really tired. Yet. Landry hit his head on the door earlier as Billy was coming out of the closet. I tried to get ice on it immediately. I picked up a washcloth by the sink and wrapped the ice in it only to find that it smelled like someone's butt! Or worse. I guess I said  a few choice words and had to go in the other bathroom to find one. There are too many details to share at the moment but instead of helping my husband took it personal and left. Our son has a knot on his head and I can't find a washcloth and you take it personal that I said it stunk? Once again I am in the wrong here. I have hurt his feelings. Just wanted to get it down on paper.